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Agnė Ustinovičienė


Agnė specializes in Insolvency & Debt Recovery, Banking & Finance, Tax Law and Dispute Resolution, Arbitration & Conflict Management. During her fifteen years of legal practice Agnė has provided legal services in different fields of civil and administrative law. Agnė has extensive experience in representing the clients in various types of transactions, successfully defending the interests of companies and their members in relations with public authorities and individuals, as well as providing legal services in criminal cases.

In the course of her professional experience, Agnė worked on a number of bankruptcy and restructuring cases, representing both the creditors and the management bodies during the initiation and execution of insolvency proceedings and complex legal disputes arising from them (e. g. BAB spaustuvė „Spindulys“, BUAB „Kraujo donorystės centras“, BUAB „VIPC Klaipėda“, BUAB „Klaipėdos hidrotechnika“, BUAB „Skala“ and others).

Agnė has also represented clients in tax disputes, concluding agreements for amounts of taxation that benefit her clients. While serving on the management bodies of credit unions, she has gained valuable experience in the organization and coordination of the lending activities and internal procedures related to them. She has achieved favourable court decisions in administrative cases against state institutions (e. g. National Land Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania) and has worked on cases related to AML (anti-money laundering) issues faced by financial institutions.


Agne has a master’s degree in law from Vilnius University, specializing in finance and tax law.

Professional Memberships

She has been a member of the Lithuanian Bar Association since 2013., and is an active member of Sustainable Business Association of Lithuania, contributing to the Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure work group.

The future in my specialty is

The rising harmonization and changing regulations of insolvency laws is helping companies to overcome financial difficulties in a post-pandemic world. The future of law and legal representation is changing constantly. I believe that lawyers are already being seen as strategic partners for their clients. By sharing their legal expertise and adding value to sustainable growth and the progress of the organization, I believe that lawyers are increasingly being viewed as strategic partners for their clients. Dispute resolution will always be a part of our profession, though being partners to our clients and working with their business issues on a daily basis undoubtedly contributes to the goal of avoiding possible disputes, which has always been my priority.

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